Be part of
something bigger

Real personal development happens beyond the hours of 9-5

Girl with calendar

Socially driven tech focused events that bring together I.T professionals and tech recruiters alike, to create a community of awesomeness.

We’ve created a series of developer and recruiter focused events - pioneered alongside the tech community. These events take place every month and provide a stage for those with something to share, or a seat for those with a hunger to learn and progress.

Upcoming Events

Product London with Skyscanner

Product London with Skyscanner

17th October 2024
Ilona Rose House, Manette Street, London, W1D 4AL
Find out more

We've hosted hundreds of events with some of the most influential names in business. To view all past and future events, head to our events page.

Other awesome brands we’ve held events with include:

Lady watching YouTube

Head to our YouTube channel for more events and further insight

Take The Mic

Host or speak at an event

If you’ve got something to share, then we want to know about it. And if we do, then so will plenty of others.

Find out more